Endings And Goodbyes

Some endings are tough for me. Actually, let me be honest. Most endings are challenging for me. And, writing an ending to individual blog posts can be the most challenging aspect of writing. Often, telling (or writing) a story, I feel compelled to give a thorough background, replete with relationships and descriptions of how I felt, then […]

Good Men Project and IndieGoGo

I was approached by a Good Men Project editor, Jeremy McKeen, around January 2016. We started talking about all sorts of topics I wasn’t having with anyone else. We were emailing about love, relationships, passion, balancing time and dating in cities. Jeremy believed in me and encouraged me to submit my writing to GMP. Nervously, […]

Announcement: The A-Z Challenge

I’m pleased to announce my participation in the A-Z Challenge, a project for bloggers that includes 26 posts for the month of April. Monday through Saturday, I’ll be writing and publishing a piece I’ve written specifically for this challenge. Each topical post will begin with a letter of the alphabet, starting with A for Afterdefeat […]